Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MORE DETAILS - Ste. Emillion

As mentioned in an earlier post, Ste. Emillion is by far the most touristy town in the region near Château de Sanse. Many will recongise Ste. Emillion as one of the most prestigious wine areas in the Bordeax region of France, producing some of the most delicious reds you'll ever drink. (http://www.saint-emilion-tourisme.com/)

The Jursdiction of Ste. Emillion is made up of a number of small "towns" or "areas", whose names you will also notice on a wine label. These areas are some times refereed to as "Saint-Emillion satellites" or more properly as Appellation d'origine contrôlée(AOC).

One example of an AOC is Lussac, a small town 9km from Ste. Emillion proper. Most of the vineyards are small and family-owned. That is something I really noticed in this wine region, the wine makers are front and center in the sales of wine. Names are almost always mentioned when you enter a Maison de Vin to taste and purchase their wares.

Towns like Lussac have all you need. A grocery store, a small market (on certain days), a wine seller...really food and wine is all you need in life...right?

The only issue with small towns outside of a main center is transportation. There is a bus route and I am sure it runs more frequently during the high summer season, but didn't see one at all over our stay. Rental car is by far the best way to get around this area of France.

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