Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An Evening Drive

Funny story. A warning to all, some places in south western France have the same name as others. Tom and I found that out the hard way.

We decided to check out a restaurant other than the one at the hotel, and outside of Ste. Emillion. I discovered that Pujols, a very small close to our hotel had a Michelin stared restaurant. So after a number of trips around the town...I discovered that Pujols, was not the town near us, but one quite a bit larger. Now, in my defense, we were both exhausted already from all of the traveling. But of course that left us more hungry.

Our adventure then took us to Gensac, further east from our hotel, where we found nothing open. These small french towns really do shut down when the tourists aren't around. We did find what looked to be a very nice hotel, also close to Chateau de Sanse; Les Remparts ( also closed.

With that, we headed back to Castillon-la-Bataille and to the only open restaurant, Le Pheonix (, which ended up being delicious! Great pizzas! For those interested, the hotel upstairs charges 45 euro for a single room, and 50 euro for a double. I am sure you'd be pleasantly surprised by the place, but the town really does not have much of interest. It is close to

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