Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day Three of Detox

Finally I am feeling up to siting at the computer and using my brain a bit. On Monday we arrived at Atsumi (http://www.atsumihealing.com/) to start our seven day detox. This process includes fasting, daily colemas, herbal remedies, yoga, steam baths and a lot of general chilling out.

The surroundings are gorgeous, so that helps because we've been relaxing here to avoid temptation from the outside world.

The first two days I could not get the though of food (not that I was hungry due to the benzonite and psyllium shakes we have to take three times a day) out of my achy head, but now the pain has subsided and I am feeling alright. Tom on the other hand had a better day yesterday, while I complained a lot. He really does need this relaxation though due to his cracked ribs.

I'll be sure to update you all on our full experience here over the next few days.

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